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Five Things to Know About #IDAHOT2016 (VIDEO)

Five Things to Know About #IDAHOT2016 (VIDEO)

Each year, May 17th is celebrated around the world as International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia or IDAHOT. The goal is to bring attention to the discrimination LGBTQ people are still facing; but it’s not all negative, advancements in equality are also celebrated on this day.Currently there’s at least 75 countries that classify same-sex relationships as criminal. In up to 10 countries same-sex conduct may be punishable by death.

Seeing as CAM4 was founded on equality and fun for everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, or fetish. We’ve seen some massive advancements around LGBTQ equality since CAM4 was launched, but there’s still lots of work to do. So before we get to the fun stuff, here are five things you should know about #IDAHOT:

1) IDAHOT is celebrated annually on May 17 to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1990.

2) IDAHOT was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, political leaders, social movements, the public and the media to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTQ people and those who do not conform to socially defined sexual and gender norms internationally.

3) IDAHOT was initially known by the acronym IDAHO for International Day Against Homophobia, but “transphobia” was added in 2009, followed by “biphobia” in 2015 to recognize the different and specific issues at stake for transgender and bisexual people.

4) IDAHOT is celebrated in more than 120 countries, including in at least 30 countries where same-sex acts are illegal.

5) According to DayAgainstHomophobia.org, IDAHOT is commemorated by millions of people around the world, and the day has been given official recognition by many authorities at all levels, from city councils to national governments, to regional institutions and U.N. agencies.

What can you do for IDAHOT2016? Keep being you! You don’t have to be gay or trans or bi to be a part of the day. Support CAM4 performers of all sexualities and genders, or send a CAM4 Pride gift to your friends to help erase stigmas. Or watch our latest YouTube videos to see how camming has helped our community overcome bullying and homophobia.

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